4,000 new charging points in Milano designed by Giugiaro Architettura

January 16, 2024

After the pilot installation in Brescia, A2A inaugurated the first city charging area with City Plug columns on 15 January in Milan in via Manara, in synergy with the municipality. These are compact charging infrastructures, created by A2A with the design of Giugiaro Architettura, useful for the slow charging of vehicles up to 7 kW and which adapt non-invasively to the urban context. From the point of view of the customer journey, there is no occupancy time limit for these charging stations, as happens today. The new system meets the need to leave the car parked at the beginning of the working day and find it charged in the afternoon and to park it in the evening and find it charged in the morning. The City Plugs will not have dedicated spaces, but will be present in the blue and yellow parking areas of the city. They deliver low power energy and can power up to 14 points with a single meter, maximizing the number of cars connected to the single device. In terms of investment costs, there is a significant saving compared to standard columns.